Patient Portal Instructions

Westlake Dermatology & Cosmetic Surgery’s patient portal allows you to enter or update your health history online. In order to complete the process you will need your Patient ID. This can be obtained at any of our offices from one of our Patient Coordinators.

1. Visit to access your patient portal account. Use your Lastname+PatientID as your username and your Date of Birth as your password in MMDDYYYY format. Capitalize the first letter of your last name for your username. Examples:

First Name Last Name Patient ID Patient DOB Portal Username Portal Password
John Smith 12345 December 31, 1975 Smith12345 12311975
Jane Smith-Evans 12222 September 16, 1990 Smithevans12222 09161990


2. Change your password to your portal account by clicking on the “Reset Password” link in the upper right hand corner once you are logged in. (If you are not prompted to do so when you login)

3. If you need to update your health history as an established patient, please navigate the left toolbar.

Some Important Notes about the Patient Portal:

  • Grey fields cannot be updated. If you find information that needs to be changed or is missing in any of these grey fields, please contact our office. You can do so using the portal by clicking on the purple “Contact Us” button at the top of the patient portal webpage. Please send these messages to any of the “Appointment Related” groups in the drop down list.
  • The updates that you make on the patient portal will be verified at your next Office Visit, and entered into your chart at that time. Until then, the changes you make on your portal will show up as “pending approval”. This is normal.

If you experience difficulty gaining access to your portal, please call our office at 512-328-3376 and press option 2 for assistance.