
5 Fall Skin Care Tips for Fabulous Skin

Written by WD Staff, Skin Care Specialists on September 26, 2016 7 Comments

fall skincare tips

Fall is around the corner and here in Austin that means cooler temperatures and a bit less humidity. Your skin care regimen likely needs a refresh coming into the fall season. This is also an ideal time to prepare the skin for a cold and dry winter.

Here are five skincare tips to help your skin look and feel its best this fall:

Product Regimen Updates

There are a couple of big changes you’ll want to make for fall in terms of your overall regimen. First, while summer was a good time to use slightly more aggressive cleansers, in the cooler months you’ll want to select a cleanser that is more gentle and moisturizing.

Second, if you haven’t already you should incorporate eye cream into your regimen.  It will be your friend in the fall/winter!

Lastly, skip any products with fragrance (or other unnecessary additives).


With the cool, crisp air in the upcoming months, the fall and winter seasons can mean dry skin. For fall, you will want to switch to a heavier cream or lotion type moisturizer, which helps the skin develop a lipid shield that maintains the natural oil and moisture. Be sure to use your moisturizer twice daily throughout the cooler months.


Regularly exfoliating old dead skin cells and other debris is the key for healthy and smooth skin, particularly in fall and winter seasons. Exfoliating at least once a week will help your skin maintain proper moisture level while also enhancing the efficacy of the skincare products you use.

Keep Using Sunscreen

The use of sunscreen is still pivotal even in the fall and winter months. Don’t let cooler temperatures fool you: harmful UV rays are still abundant. Regular sunscreen use is necessary throughout the year!

Fall/Winter Cosmetic Treatments

Fall is the perfect time to undergo procedures that rejuvenate the skin by removing sun damage you’ve received during the summer. Great skin refresh treatments include:

  • Chemical Peels: Chemical peels are topically applied formulas that revitalize the skin surface by creating an even and controlled shedding of the skin cells. This allows new layers to be exposed, creating a fresh appearance and smoother texture to the skin surface. There are many peels available, and each works with a different formulation allowing for varying degrees of peeling.  Two of the most popular peels at Westlake Dermatology are Vitalize Peel and the Advanced Corrective Peel.
  • Microdermabrasion: We use DiamondTome technology to provide controlled skin resurfacing that is free of irritation and loose particles with no downtime required.
  • Laser Treatments: Fraxel, IPL Photofacials, and V-beam treatments help to resurface the skin and correct damage caused by the sun. The fall is an ideal time to consider these treatments, when sun exposure is typically more limited.



WD Staff

A united group of skin care specialists from Westlake Dermatology & Cosmetic Surgery, Austin's leader in Dermatology and Plastic Surgery. Articles posted under WD staff are authored through combined contributions from our entire team, including Plastic Surgeons, Dermatologists, Aestheticians, Physician Assistants, Aesthetic Nurses, and Patient Coordinators.

7 Responses to “5 Fall Skin Care Tips for Fabulous Skin”

  1. Josna says:

    Nice Post! Tips are really good and helpful. Can you suggest me how can I get rid of pimples on my face?

  2. Steven says:

    Amazing tips. Very effective and easy steps to beautiful skin. Thanks for sharing!

  3. JB says:

    Moisture really helps our skin looks perfect and that is why I drink a lot of water every day.

  4. Joanna says:

    Fall is coming and the most important thing to us women is our skin. It is hard to maintain our skin glow when fall comes. For me being able to learn what are the best for our skin treatment when certain season comes is a plus.

  5. Melissa says:

    Really an amazing post! I would like to add one of my favorite products that are Dermology anti-aging cream. It is helpful in curing pimples. It totally works and reduces the growth of acne. One should give it a try.

  6. Great tips for taking care of your skin in the fall. I Like that yous aid to try to have a heavier cream to help develop a lipid shield. Will share this on on our social channels!!

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