
Tips: Get The Most Out Of Your Cosmetic Consultation

Written by Justina Moncrief on October 18, 2016 5 Comments

plastic surgery consultation tips

Researching cosmetic treatments on your own is a good way to get a baseline understanding of a procedure. However, when it comes to truly understanding a procedure nothing compares to an in-person consultation.  Many surgeons will consult with prospective patients for a fee that is applicable to surgery, and oftentimes offer the option of a complimentary consultation with a trained cosmetic consultant.

In addition to learning more about the procedure (such as options, benefits, and risks), the one-to-one consultation is an opportunity for patients to directly evaluate the experience, professionalism, and bedside manner of a surgeon and their staff. It’s a window of time for prospective patients to develop a level of comfort and trust with the physician and clinic, which is a necessary ingredient in a successful experience.

On the provider’s end, the consultation is an opportunity to assess characteristics of the patient and truly understand their specific goals and if those goals are achievable or not. This gives surgeons the opportunity to create the best individualized treatment plan for each patient and counsel patients on what to expect in terms of the procedure and its final result.

Here are some simple tips for getting the most out of a cosmetic consultation:

Before the consultation

Make sure to take some time to research the procedure you are considering before your appointment. Doing some preliminary research will help you ask the right questions during your consultation to decide whether the procedure is right for you.

Here are some informative cosmetic surgery resources to check out:

During your research write down any questions you think of. This printable checklist provided by the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery can help guide you.

What to bring

You’ll want to take information surrounding your medical history, which will ideally also include any medical issues that run in your immediate family. It’s also a good idea to bring in a list of medications, vitamins, or supplements you currently take for assessment.

Finally, bring in the list of questions you have written down prior to the consultation.

What to wear

If you’re considering body procedures like liposuction, breast augmentation, or a tummy tuck, wear light clothing that is comfortable and practical.  You may be asked to either undress portions of your body or wear a full patient gown during the consultation.

You can also bring in your favorite undergarments or swimwear, which can allow the provider to position any applicable scars beneath your clothes or underwear.

Questions to ask

Take your time during your consultation. Remember this is your chance to ask everything you need to know in order to make a knowledgeable choice. In general, most questions will either pertain to the procedure or the surgeon’s ability to perform said procedure.

Here are some important general questions to ask:

Questions about the procedure

  • Am I good candidate for this procedure (why or why not)?
  • What are the risks and benefits of the procedure?
  • Are there alternative treatments that may be better for delivering my desired results?
  • What kind of recovery should I expect after the procedure?
  • Where will the procedure take place? Is the facility accredited?
  • If anesthesia is necessary, what type will be used (and who will administer it)?
  • Can you show me before and after images from your previous patients of similar characteristics (age, BMI, etc.) who underwent this procedure?
  • How many times have you performed the procedure?
  • What is your complication rate?
  • Should a problem arise during the procedure, what is your contingency plan?

Questions about your provider (and staff)

  • What board certifications do you hold?
  • How many years have you been in practice?
  • What other staff members will be involved in the procedure?
  • What are the credentials of your surgical staff?
  • Do you hold hospital privileges (and where)?

Procedure cost and financing

If you have seen the show “Botched”, you should know that choosing a surgeon based on price alone is never a good idea. However cosmetic procedures can be expensive, and thus price plays a big role for many people in whether or not they move forward with their procedure. Additionally, most elective plastic surgery procedures are not covered by medical insurance. Given these factors it is important for patients to understand the total cost of their procedure as well as payment terms and financing options.

  • Ask for the total cost of your procedure, including the surgeon’s fees, facility costs, anesthesia costs, post-op medication, lab work (if required), and follow-up appointments. Some clinics advertise one price for a procedure, however there are actually many add-on costs so the true cost of the procedure ends up much higher.
  • Ask about payment terms. Most providers require some sort of down payment followed by payment in full prior to the surgery date.
  • Be sure that you understand cancellation and rescheduling policies regarding your procedure.
  • If you need to finance your procedure, ask what lending options are available. Talk directly to each lender regarding terms, fees, and interest rates prior to applying.


Justina Moncrief

Justina Moncrief is a Cosmetic Consultant with Westlake Dermatology & Cosmetic Surgery. She has been with the practice since 2011. Justina provides personal consultations with patients regarding breast augmentation, liposuction, facelift, and many other plastic surgery and laser procedures.

5 Responses to “Tips: Get The Most Out Of Your Cosmetic Consultation”

  1. Avatar Emily says:

    Some great tips in this post, I wish I would have known some of these before my recent tummy tuck consultation. i had some extra questions and had to go back for a second consult.

  2. Avatar Steele says:

    I appreciate you pointing out that it might be useful to bring a list of medications, vitamins, or supplements I currently take for assessment during the consultation as they may influence the final results of the procedure and other medications. I am considering getting some cosmetical procedures and as I am taking some pills, I will make sure to bring them to the specialist. I hope they will not harm the total process.

  3. Avatar Tiffany says:

    Your advice to take any information you have about your medical history and to bring a list of medications, vitamins, or supplements that you currently take is a great idea. Providing your doctor with as much information as possible could help them figure out if there are any changes you need to make to what you take or see if they’ll interfere with the cosmetic treatment you’ll be getting. When choosing a specialist for your cosmetic treatment, you’d probably want to find one that you’re comfortable with so that you will be able to give them anything they need to figure out the best option.

  4. Avatar Georgia B says:

    Thanks for providing such a detailed list of questions to ask the cosmetic dermatologist! I’m planning to set up a consultation soon, but I don’t know enough about the procedure to even know what to ask. It’s good to know that I should ask about how many times the surgeon has performed the procedure!

  5. Avatar Mark says:

    My wife told me that she wants to get a cosmetic procedure so she can be more confident in her job. I’ll forward this article to her, I think it will help!

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