
These Non-Surgical Treatments Will Enhance Your Plastic Surgery Results

Written by Amy Bekanich, MD, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon on October 28, 2022 No Comments

cosmetic procedure woman

After undergoing their cosmetic surgery procedure, the most common question patients as is “how long will my results last?” In large part, the answer depends on how well you take care of your general health and your skin. Lifestyle traits like daily exercise, eating a balanced diet, and following a sound skincare regime will keep the skin healthy, lengthening the results of most procedures. In addition, there are specific non-surgical cosmetic treatments that can be periodically performed to help maintain, and even enhance, your plastic surgery results.

Using Non-Surgical Treatments To Enhance Plastic Surgery

Surgical and non-surgical cosmetic treatments aren’t mutually exclusive. In fact, combining the two is often the best way to get the results you seek, and maintain those results for the long term.

During surgery may be the best time to enhance your look with non-surgical treatments such as laser skin resurfacing or dermal filler injections. This is especially true if you’ve elected a surgical procedure that requires general anesthesia or significant recovery time. Using this time to perform multiple procedures can minimize downtime and expense in the long run.

After surgery, your doctor may recommend non-surgical treatments, such as plasma-rich-platelet (PRP) or Botox injections, to help maintain your results. No cosmetic surgery is permanent and non-surgical cosmetic procedures can help your results last longer.

Depending on your current anatomy and the results you seek, your surgeon may recommend combining surgical and non-surgical treatments for the best and longest-lasting results.

The following are some common ways cosmetic surgeons partner surgical and non-surgical procedures for the best, and longest-lasting, results.

PRP Injections After Facelift

Platelet-rich-plasma is an injectable taken from your own blood, which stimulates cell repair and rejuvenation. PRP injections may be placed under the skin during or after your facelift to help speed healing. PRP injections improve skin’s texture, enhancing your results.

When performed after a facelift, it’s best to wait at least 6-8 weeks, until most of your healing is complete.

Laser Resurfacing During Facelift

Like PRP injections, laser resurfacing can enhance your facelift results by smoothing and rejuvenating skin. The procedure may be done during or after your facelift.

Because deep laser resurfacing requires a long recovery period just as a facelift does, many patients opt for laser resurfacing treatment during their facelift. This avoids the need to repeat the recovery process later.

Kybella After Neck Lift

Surgical neck lifts remove excess skin underneath the chin and jawline, but do not address excess fat. While liposuction is often performed alongside a neck lift, your doctor may also suggest non-surgical fat removal treatments, such as Kybella.

Kybella is a fat-melting injectable that can help remove the smaller pockets of fat that liposuction leaves behind. The procedure may be done as early as 4 weeks after your neck lift.

Botox After Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty)

Botox is a great non-surgical treatment to be performed after eyelid surgery as a means of extending results. Like any cosmetic surgery, blepharoplasty results are not permanent. The eyelids will begin sagging again as your skin sags with age. Regular Botox injections can help prevent the need for a second surgery 8-10 years later.

CoolTone After Liposuction 

Liposuction is a surgical procedure which removes unwanted pockets of fat. After surgery, further toning of the underlying muscles in the treatment area can further enhance the look of your results. CoolTone is a revolutionary non-surgical body contouring procedure that tightens, strengthens and tones the muscles of the stomach, butt, and thighs for a firmer, more defined look. The treatment is minimally invasive, non-painful, and requires no downtime.

Lip Filler During Rhinoplasty 

A rhinoplasty procedure can dramatically change the appearance of the face. Enhancing the volume and shape of the lips at the same time can help balance the new silhouette of the nose.

Injecting lip filler while you’re under anesthesia for rhinoplasty also avoids the pain of injections and makes the best use of your recovery time.

Amy Bekanich, MD

my Sanders Bekanich, MD is a board-certified plastic surgeon by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. Dr. Bekanich her medical degree at Oregon Health and Sciences University. She then completed residencies in both General Surgery as well as Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Residency at University of Utah Health Sciences Center. Dr. Bekanich has a passion for assisting patients in their journey to help transform their lives and feel like themselves again.

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